Mother Buddha Tara and her luminous green light is always swift to leap to our call, her swift compassion helping us to open our hearts to the depths of our being to give us the courage to ride the turning of the wheel of life and help all sentient beings.
The sacredness of womanhood and her ever changing body, is a reflection of our mother earth and her journey, joined by the sacred flame each woman carries with her, her body is map of her journey, the scares the love the joy and depths a woman has had to find, her strength to keep the sacred fire burning, the shedding, the changing with the seasons and the years, from maiden to mother and the wise crone, each stretch mark, each line on her face are the winds of change bringing the magic of renewal death and rebirth. We are joined together by the world tree and each prayer we tie we sing to our ancient mothers to guide us to live with ease in the muddy water that the lotus grows from.
Join Sharon in her "Fire In The womb" Wise Women Mysteries workshops celebrating Womanhood and her transitions, Sharon has been honoring and celebrating the divine feminine menstrual cycle for many years through meditation, shamanism and craft work. Sharon now shares her knowledge with you in these wonderful empowering workshops celebrating the mother divine.
In this 1 day workshop, we will celebrate womanhood, the menopause, the crone, bone goddess who has learnt the art of holding the sacred flame within.
We are the weavers of the web, we weave the coloured karmic threads of the future, the sacred flame holders of our families and society, the crone phase is a time to face your fears the obstacles you hold within yourself, a time of death and rebirth to let go of what you have been holding on to a time of releasing old wounds, old patterns, what no longer serves you? Death is an inevitable aspect of our existence & experience and death is celebrated as a release, to breathe new life into the sacred flame of manifestation.
We are the bone holders of our clan, activate your inner crone and access the energy of the deep stillness.
in the special event we will:
Start the day with the " honoring ceremony" Honoring our ancestors and blessing of all sentient beings.
• Meditation to the Green Tara & Black Tara, release internal obstacles.
• How to call the ancestors in, working with safe practice.
. Shamanic journey to your inner bone cave of the ancestors, to gain wisdom knowledge to help you and those around here in the middle world.
• To Craft a woven pendant with colours that celebrate your Crone ot phase of womanhood women.
And much more!
Light Lunch provided
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